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Co-Warehouses are an ideal solution for e-commerce entrepreneurs. They are places where ideas flow and businesses thrive.

We are all familiar with the word “e-commerce”. It refers to the buying or selling of products by using the internet. But not everybody talks about the physical space that you need to get into the industry.

In recent years, the demand for last-mile distribution centers has increased. They are the last link in the global distribution network, and they tend to come with high costs.

This is not only a matter of large companies that have become household names. The digital landscape offers many possibilities to create your own business. For everyone who is starting, traditional storage is far from being the solution. That is why entrepreneurs find many benefits in Co-Warehousing.

What is Co-Warehousing?

Co-Warehousing is the use of the same warehouse by several different companies. It is a flexible solution that allows e-commerce business to store their inventory.

This solution comes from a sharing economy that has eliminated market inefficiencies. After all, you may already have shared houses, vehicles, or even offices.

You may find it difficult to find space when you need less than 10,000 square feet. That is where third-party logistics (3PL) providers come into play. We have improved the warehousing process for emerging e-commerce businesses.

Benefits of Co-Warehousing

For e-commerce businesses, Co-Warehousing tends to work better than self-storage facilities. Some of its benefits are:

• Reduced Costs
• Flexibility
• Convenience

Also, you can meet other small and medium business owners in a place where ideas flow. This can help you build professional relationships and thrive.

Co-Warehousing in Texas

Kefi Spaces provides you with an all-inclusive warehouse in Houston, Texas. What you’re looking for is a safe, clean, and accessible place for storing your products. We get it!

Our Heights Location is 10 minutes from downtown. We also offer you an innovative coworking and e-commerce center without long-term contracts. You can set up your headquarters here and grow as you wish.

Are ready to boost your business and compete with bigger players? If so, check out our Co-Warehousing solutions.

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About Kefi Spaces

Heights Location
7055 Old Katy Road
Houston, Texas 77024

T: (713) 661-2701