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Investing in marketing is a trending practice. Thanks to it, many companies have managed to get what their customers need. They have made themselves known, and as a result, they have obtained the desired growth.
To get started in this fast-paced world, we share 14 strategies that will help you attract more customers:

1. Corporate blog

The blog is at the center of inbound marketing methodology, the main way to attract and retain customers today. It consists of generating value through relevant content for the buyer persona.

2. Social networks

Sharing content has never been easier, with billions of daily active users on social media. You can choose the type of audience that will have contact with your message, due to the segmentation power of these networks.

3. Affiliate Marketing

One strategy to get affiliates is to find companies that link to yours in the type of services. They can promote your brand in different ways.

4. Email list

Building a strong and qualified email list is one of the best marketing investments. It is a powerful channel to cultivate and engage an audience.

5. Online ads

On the internet, you can do all kinds of disclosure in a current and effective way. These are sponsored links.

6. Indications program

“Refer a friend and receive a benefit”. This is the basic dynamic of this program; the number of indications and benefits is at your discretion, but they should not be complicated so that customers understand and apply them.

7. Customer loyalty

If you have taken advantage of discount coupons somewhere, you know the results you have with customers. Coupons represent the idea of ​​retaining customers by offering them real advantages.

8. Interactive web pages

On the internet, those who manage to surprise their users and captivate them with their personalized information consumption experiences, win the attention of potential customers.

9. Commercial collaborations

They are useful for raising the exposure of two associates or generating leads. Even large companies bet on co-marketing.

10. Spread your promotions

There is always room to surprise customers with a promotion; spread it to all your clients and make it reach potential clients.

11. Events

Participate as a speaker or interviewee at an online event, and, if you can’t find one, create one, and you will strengthen your brand.

12. Solid website

It’s the exclusive channel of your company on the internet. Knowing how to create it or who to turn to, for this is to attract and convince potential clients.

13. Free Trials

Free demos have huge potential to attract customers. It becomes real when we look at the growth of the freemium business model.

14. Positive reviews

One way to attract clients is to position yourself as a reference on collaborative evaluation web pages.

The secret is to choose the right strategies and spend time and energy making them work.

To begin with, it’s important to invest in long-term tactics that take time to pay off but are more permanent results.

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