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Continuing with what we recommended a week ago as essential for your e-commerce, we have other tools that can boost your business.

CRM tools
Excellent customer service is the biggest pillar of success in e-commerce.
To ensure your team correctly addresses your customers’ questions and problems, and that they are satisfied, use Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools such as Salesforce, SAP, or Zoho (the most popular, but also more expensive for beginners), and others a bit more accessible like Pipedrive.

SEO tools
Continuously improving the texts on your sales platforms is a must, not to be outdated by your competition.
It’s not necessary to invest large budgets, since there are complete tools available to everyone, such as Google Ads or alternatives such as WordStream, SEOBook, or Mergewords. It’s advisable to have a specialist who knows how to distinguish the trends of keywords and searches related to your product or service. There are also paid services aimed at helping you in your positioning.
And this need to constantly refresh your content also affects product information: the keywords you include in descriptions, metadata, titles, categories, and other essential pieces of your product catalog. Save research time with a PIM system that also includes SEO analysis and enrichment functions for your product information.

Shopping Cart Tools
Including a clear, fast, and secure payment process is one of the fundamental features to gain the trust of the buyer.
If you create your website, you can use an open-source shopping cart system. Some work through a monthly fee, and others only make you pay for each purchase made through your website.
We recommend that if code is not your forte or you do not have an IT team that can ensure the proper functioning of online payments, choose a platform that offers you configured payment gateways.

CRO Tools
Boosting online sales conversions will be one of your constant goals. Although to do so, you will have to invest in collateral aspects (good products, great customer service, SEO adapted to your audience), some tools will allow you to obtain extra leads.
For example, analyzing your website and user behavior on it through heat maps (areas where visitors stop or click the most) will allow you to deduce what interests your client and what you should promote.

Design tools for e-commerce
In the online world, everything enters through the eyes, and it’s essential to take care of the visual section of your resources.
A suitable template for your product or industry niche will earn you points in front of your audience. For this, you have many compatible tools with the main e-commerce platforms, and some include assistance with the design of your online store.
To maintain a consistent brand image across all your channels and achieve a multichannel strategy, use tools that help you unify the design of your images, from the catalog to social networks, communities of original designers, or collaborative design tools.

Inventory management tools
The Great Forgotten: The Warehouse.
Having an inventory management tool is essential in e-commerce to ensure that you make the correct shipments; that the stock figures are up to date in all your channels; that those perishable products don’t expire, and that you maintain organized communication with your suppliers and/or distributors.

There are many ways for your e-commerce to achieve results that satisfy you. It’s just a matter of identifying what you NEED.

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